Exotic / Quest Step

Earn progress by completing Vanguard Operations, Gambit and Crucible matches, or Seasonal playlist activities.

"Last Guardian to hold that thing didn't last. Most think you're different. A legend in your own right. I'd be hard pressed to disagree. Still… Prove you can handle that Cannon, then we'll talk." —Banshee

Track your quest, bounty, milestone, and exotic catalyst progress on The Director

Let's Go

Part of Quest "The Vow"

1. The Vow

Banshee has a new Exotic weapon catalyst for you—but first he needs a favor.

2. The Vow

Earn progress by completing Vanguard Operations, Gambit and Crucible matches, or Seasonal playlist activities.

3. The Vow

Return to Banshee to receive your new Exotic weapon catalyst.
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